We are grateful to link arms with trusted Christian brothers and sisters to help spread the word of a Gospel-centered approach to race, justice and unity.

On Monique's Reconciled small group study:
We are in the midst of a very serious period of cultural chaos, division, and instability. And make no mistake about it: The Church is our best hope for solving these problems. This guided study offers a hopeful way out. If you read and put into practice the ideas it presents, you cannot help but be an informed part of the solution to the honor of Jesus Christ and the good of our brothers and sisters. I am so grateful that this is now available.
J.P. Moreland, Ph.D
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
In a culture polarized by race issues, Monique is a desperately needed voice in the church, guiding us with the light of biblical truth. Not only is her story compelling and her teaching solid, but she engages both heart and mind as she equips Christians with God’s view of racial unity and justice.​
Brett Kunkle
Founder and CEO, Maven

There are MANY people speaking out against the distortions of Critical Race Theory and "woke" Christianity. But not many are offering a positive and uniquely Christian answer to the very real injustices our culture and churches face. Monique is a relevant voice in today's murky cultural waters.
Alisa Childers
Author, Another Gospel?
Now more than ever we need voices grounded in the authority of Scripture that call us beyond the cultural noise and divisive rhetoric and moves Christians from all backgrounds and ethnicities toward walking out our unity in Christ. We had Monique out to teach our students and staff and it was both challenging and encouraging. I am so grateful for the vision that Monique Duson has for the Center for Biblical Unity and pray God uses it in powerful ways in the days ahead.