by Krista Bontrager

Justice isn’t a liberal or progressive idea, although it has certainly been co-opted, redefined, and distorted by progressives. A careful reading of the biblical text reveals that God’s people are called to live justly in this life. This is a crucial component of biblical ethics. The ground of justice is the very character of God Himself; Ps. 9:7 says that God “has established his throne for justice.” And because God is just, He wants His people to be known for reflecting His character (see. Deut. 10:12-19; cf. Deut. 16:19; 1 Sam. 8:3).
The world is telling us that justice looks like fixing racial disparities in different job fields, protecting gay marriage, voting for government-funded abortions, and concealing a child’s gender identity struggles from their parents. So many voices are screaming at us to advocate for these causes and demand change.
A true Christian should say yes to justice but no to wickedness done in the name of justice. Here are eight ways to advance real, biblically-based justice among those in your community and worldwide.
1) Understand the Christian worldview.
Positive action for justice begins at home with education. Whether you grew up in a Christian home or became a Christian as an adult, now is the time to dig deeper into the Bible and learn what it says about justice—and then live out those concepts in front of your children.
Here are a few biblically-based justice issues to consider:
Orphan care
Widow care
Medical and dental treatment for those who can’t afford basic services
Access to faith-based drug rehab programs
Advocacy for long-term, work-based solutions for the poor
Care and dignity for the developmentally and cognitively disabled
Protection for the pre-born
Adoption and fostering
Quality education options for low-income families and single moms
If you’d like more in-depth teaching about the Bible and justice, check out this playlist on my YouTube channel on “Justice.”
2) Think about how your skills and talents could help meet the needs of those around you.
Figuring out how to become an agent for transformation to your church family or your local community can feel overwhelming. The best way to start is to (1) think about your own natural skills, interests, and spiritual gifts, and then (2) study the needs of those around you, such as your family, friends, and church family. Your personal “justice ministry” might start at home by taking care of your elderly parents or your special needs child.
It might also mean taking your knowledge about a particular skill, hobby, or life experience and thinking creatively about how you can share it with others. For example, maybe you could teach young men and women practical skills, like basic home repairs or sewing. Could you use your experience overcoming porn addiction to help inspire others? Are you handy with fixing cars? Maybe you could volunteer to be the go-to mechanic for a few single moms at your local church to help ensure their cars are being repaired with integrity. Perhaps you’re a hairdresser who could volunteer a few hours a month at the local Gospel Rescue Mission, providing haircuts for the homeless. Or maybe you’re passionate about helping people learn budgeting and how to get out of debt. How about offering financial literacy classes at the local Gospel Rescue Mission?
Another example: A big component of biblical justice involves God’s creation design around work (Gen. 2). Helping the poor doesn’t just mean meeting emergency physical needs. It can also involve supporting a friend’s small business or sharing your expertise as an entrepreneur with someone else. Mentoring a single mom or low-income family through the basics of starting a business can lift an entire family out of poverty in one generation.
Most importantly, ask the Lord to give you some supernatural ideas.
3) Donate to organizations that are doing gospel-centered work.
Donating can take two major forms: volunteering and financial support. When looking for humanitarian organizations to donate to, we encourage Christians to begin by looking for those ministries that intentionally include direct Gospel preaching in their work. This may require some research on their website, or possibly even making a call to their donor relations team. But getting clarity on this issue is important. While meeting physical needs can provide a vital starting point for a conversation, it should not be the end of it (see James 2:15-17; Matt. 10:28; 16:26).
Volunteering can take many forms, depending upon your availability. Start by thinking about your skill set. What could you do for others in need? Some organizations require you to serve in person, while others (like CFBU) have tasks that can be done remotely. If you serve locally, consider whether your children might be able to serve with you. Showing your children how to serve in your community provides them with a positive role model.
Every cause-oriented organization will appreciate financial support. Use sites like Charity Navigator, a resource that independently rates organizations based on their financial health, accountability, and transparency. You can use tools like that to find projects that fight for issues you’re passionate about.
4) Invest your money carefully.
Some mutual funds actually help to finance issues like gender diversity, Planned Parenthood, and other social justice causes. This means that while you’re saving for retirement, you may also be financially supporting causes that may go against your values. My husband and I discovered recently that there are Christian financial groups that can help you grow your savings by helping you invest in companies that don’t go against your worldview.
5) Harness the power of social media.
Social media can be a powerful tool for sharing messages with others. Unfortunately, conservative and Christian voices are often among the most censored. For example, on average, CFBU’s posts are seen by only 2-5% of our followers. Turning on notifications for your favorite advocacy accounts and hitting the “Like” and “Share” buttons on their posts can help spread their message by making their posts more visible to others. You can also share podcasts, repost articles, and share your personal experiences about your favorite charity. All of these simple steps help facilitate community-building and awareness.
6) Support Christian-owned businesses in your community and online.
As a consumer, you have the power to impact change with every dollar you spend. If you visit the Human Rights Campaign website, you can see what businesses you currently patronize that support causes that may go against your Christian values. I talked about this issue last year on a podcast.
As an alternative, consider building a list of businesses owned by members of your church and encourage others in your congregation to support them. You can also download the Public SQ app to see businesses in your local area and online that “respect traditional American values.” Changing your buying habits can be hard at first, but these changes can make a big difference over time.
7) Get involved with local civic issues.
Align yourself with candidates whose platforms and policies will further God’s standards of justice. It is especially important to take the time to research candidates for local elections. Make an effort to search for the voting records of your county and state judges who are up for election. Find out which ones are using the bench to engage in social justice advocacy, instead of impartially weighing the evidence. You can also check out one of the many Christian advocacy groups, like Christians Engaged, that can help you research the issues in light of the Christian worldview.
Think about whether you might speak publicly about an issue of concern at the local city council meeting or school board. Also, consider joining the board of your local public library to be a voice for traditional values. You could also think about helping with signature-gathering efforts to overturn unjust laws, volunteering at your local election site to help ensure fair voting practices, or working with your church leaders to have a table for voter registration.
You can also contact your elected officials regarding the justice issues that are facing your community. It’s easy to do using the link here.
If you are a good communicator, consider how you might highlight the justice needs in your community. Many local talk radio programs ask for listeners to call in and offer their opinions on news stories. Some of these involve biblically related justice issues. This is a great way to spark conversation and share your thoughts with a wider audience.
8) Set up a table at a local college or university.
Consider sharing the issues that you value at your local college or university. Many universities have “free speech” zones where people from the community are allowed to set up a table and engage in public conversations with students. You can share about the work or issue of your favorite non-profit. You can also research whether any student-run organizations already focus on issues that you value. Learn what they’re doing, and get involved. You’ll be setting an excellent example for your children about the importance of engaging in respectful dialogue with others to persuade them to a better worldview.
These are difficult days. Being salt and light in the world may require us to stare into the darkness. Even so, stay calm and display a character that is consistent with the example of Jesus, especially as you engage with others that you strongly disagree with.