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Join a Support Group

We have set up four online groups (currently hosted on Facebook) to help people impacted by social justice and the Critical Social Theories to connect and find support, prayer and resourcing. Exclusive events for each group are held throughout the year.

Doing Homework

Unwoke Homeschoolers

Support group for homeschool families. Meet new friends, share resources and pray for one another.


Support group for active educators who need encouragement and strategies to cope with Critical Theory and Diversity/Equity/Inclusion in the workplace.

Math Teacher
Family Moments

Interethnic Families

Support group for parents of interethnic children or have children through transracial adoption.

Parent Support

Support group for parents whose teen/adult children who have fallen into woke theology or deconstructed away from the faith as a result Critical Theory. We don't have all the answers, but we will pray for you and try to resource you.

Smiling Student
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